
Dr.-Ing. Setyawan P. Sakti, M.Eng.

Physics Department of Science Faculty
Sensor Technology, Plasma Technology, Instrumentation, and Measurement.

Akhmad Sabarudin, S.Si., M.Sc., Dr.Sc.

Chemistry Department of Science Faculty
Monolith for Bioapplication, Nanoparticle for Drug Delivery System, Flow-based System for Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry

Ir. D.J. Djoko H.S., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Physics Department of Science Faculty
Thin Film Technology, Nanomaterials, and Complex System

Dr.Eng. Masruroh, M.Si.

Physics Department of Science Faculty
Thin Film and Surface Technology

Dr. Elvina Dhiaul Iftitah, M.Si.

Chemistry Department of Science Faculty
Monolith for Bioapplication

Ir. Wijono, M.T., Ph.D.

Electrical Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty
Electromagnetics, Plasma Generation, High Voltage, Electric Machine

Didied P. Affandy, MBA., CPA.

Accountant Department of Economy Faculty
Human Resource and Technological Development

Dr.Eng. Yudy S. Irawan, S.T., M.Eng.

Mechanical Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty
Advanced Manufacturing, Strength of Material, Composite

Muhammad Ghufron, M.Si.

Accountant Department of Economy Faculty
Human Resource and Technological Development

Dr.Sc. Siti Mariyah Ulfa, M.Sc.

Chemistry Department of Science Faculty
Solar Cell, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics

Dr.rer.nat. Rachmat Triandi T., M.Si.

Chemistry Department of Science Faculty
Thin Film, Material Technology

Dr. Istiroyah, M.T.

Physics Department of Science Faculty
Composite Material, Carbon-based Material

Drs. Hari Arief D., M.Eng., Ph.D.

Physics Department of Science Faculty
Embedded System, Instrumentation and Measurement

Eka Maulana S.T., M.T., M.Eng.

Electrical Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty
Nano Technology, Material Science and Embedded System Machine, Organics Electronics

Waru Djuriatno, S.T., M.T.,

Electrical Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty
Plasma Generation,
Computer Engineering, Electronics, Advanced Computing, High Voltage

Ir. Djarot B. Darmadi, M.T., Ph.D.

Mechanical Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty

Ir. Tjuk Oerbandono, M.Sc.

Mechanical Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty
Friction Welding of Metals

Dr.Eng. Agus Naba. M.T.

Physics Department of Science Faculty
Smart System, Fuzzy Logic

Lukman Hakim, S.Si., M.Sc., Dr.Sc

Chemistry Department of Science Faculty
Physical Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry, Molecular Simulation, Statistical Mechanics

Dr. Ir. Erni Yudaningtyas, MT.

Electrical Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty System, Electronics


Septi Fajar Raeni, M.Si


Ika Oktavia Wulandari, M.Si

Chemistry Research Laboratory

Tyas Nurul Zafirah, S.Si

Plasma and Advanced Material Laboratory

Ridha N. Ikhsani, S.Si

Sensor Technology Laboratory